Anthony unloading the veggies. He is also wondering why I am taking pictures. Of course he knows that I LOVE taking pictures!!

Riley wanted to help unload too!! My little helper :)
He's wearing Wesley's boots. Can you tell they are on the wrong feet....hahaha!

Dad & Wes measuring out the space.

Riley putting soil down by the tomatoe plant.

Wes helping plant the peppers. He wanted to help, but couldn't stand still while Dad was digging the holes, so we had him come over right at the last minute.

Can you tell that I am so excited.....I have always wanted a garden. Now, let's see if we can not only keep them alive but help them to thrive so that we can enjoy our "Silva Salsa" that Kev makes. It is sooooo yummy :) I do not have a green thumb, so stay tuned for garden updates.
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