Monday, March 21, 2011

Paper Clutter~ Before & After (sort of)

Hot Spot #2~ My dreaded office, BEFORE! I had already begun this HUGE project (before I had started to de-clutter with Simple Mom) and the table in front has all the arts & crafts stuff on it, taken down from the cabinet. I purged a lot of what the kids don't use and it's all organized now (forgot to take a picture!)
Scary, I know. This has always been my hardest area to keep clean and organized. Actually, my office has never been completely organized. I LOVE this de-cluttering with Project: Simplify at Simple Mom. I am always re-organizing and cleaning some certain hot spots in my home. I guess it's like home maintenance.

And my office, AFTER, not so dreadful, but I have yet to complete it! Still on the list is:

  • to finish filing
  • shredding papers (my shredder is so old & only shreds 1 paper at a time)
  • organizing my photos
  • going through the last couple boxes
  • home videos to dvd
  • create a system to control paper coming in
  • hang up kids artwork
  • and I'm sure there's more!

I can see a completely organized office in my future!! Yay!!


  1. My office feels your offices' pain. I am a horrible paper stacker and have art supplies all over this room from my girls as well as myself. I am currently working to declutter my life but I started with my kitchen. I have a gadget problem. Hello everyone, my name is Christina and I am an addict. It has been less than 24 hours since my last kitchen gadget purchase.

    My office will not be an easy room to tackle but I am looking forward to when it is done.

  2. And I'm back! lol

    A friend of mine is also working to declutter her home and recently started blogging about it. If you are interested please visit her at

