Wesley's before shot of his dresser and closet. These are out of order- see near the bottom for his after.

Project Simplify: Hot Spot #3~ Kids Toys & Clothes! The picture above is my son's train table with a lot of stuff on it and bins under it and behind it under our bench.

Here is Riley playing (and helping Mom) during the sorting of the toys. He was such a good sport!

Here is the train table all clean and with no bins underneath and the baskets under the bench cleaned out and orgainized.

Here is another hot spot for toys-in the hall closet. This is the before picture-lots of baby toys, and since Riley is almost 4 years old we retired these to storage (for now).

Here is the hall closet after. Much more organized and with toys that he actually plays with.

Anthony's before picture of his dresser. I can't seem to find his after picture....oops!

Riley's before picture of his dresser.

And his after picture.

Well these are out of order! Wesley's after picture of his dresser.

Wesley's pile of clothes that don't fit. Some we will store for Riley!
I am posting this really late! I had the toys and two out of three dressers done by last Wednesday, and am barely posting them. Since I am also doing this with
www.simplemom.net I should have already had them up. The next hot spot I am posting early.......maybe I'll actually have a chance to win the giveaway this week!!
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